Hi from BRAVOsurf, and welcome to our first message to our fantastic BRAVOsurf friends/customers & subscribers..
Firstly, thank you for supporting our small business.
With BRAVOsurf recently turning 2 years old, the amount of love and positive feedback we have received is overwhelming and is so greatly appreciated.
The local BRAVOsurf team is just the 2 of us.
 Chris (Branchy) and Belle.

Branchy has decades of experience working with surf hardware, having had multiple roles within Boardriders (Quiksilver / Billabong / Roxy) over the past 20+ years.

In the aftermath of Covid, Branchy partnered with his friends Belly and Matteo from Euroglass in France (@bell_surfing) and took over the local ownership for all licensed surf, skate & hardware for Boardriders brands, starting in 2021.

Branchy is a lifelong surfer, is a wealth of knowledge on these products and manages all aspects of the business; product design, sales & forecasting, accounts, inbound container unloading as well as delivery driving along the east coast (where of course he usually finds time for a bit of R&D!)


Belle has been managing product, workflow and warehouses all her working life, managing warehouses 10x bigger than BRAVO! She has a broad understanding of keeping a warehouse running efficiently and is well equipped to take on the many challenges faced daily!

Belle has been a part of the BRAVO team for almost 2 years, during which time she has gained extensive knowledge of the surf industry and of our BRAVOsurf products.  

Belle's role includes warehouse management, representing BRAVO at community / public relations events, ensuring inventory accuracy, allocating (pick & pack) of most sales orders and has a whole lot of fun doing it!



Have confidence knowing that every order placed is fulfilled by either one of us!
We recently moved into our new home in Burleigh Heads where we have our office as well as a small showroom where you can view a wide range of our products...
Feel free to come in and check it out!
Music will be playing, our fridge will be full, and we always love a chat!
We are often out and about for BRAVOsurf deliveries so please contact us prior, to ensure that we are in
Remember our perks for subscribers;
  • Birthday discounts
  • Free beer with any instore purchase
  • Free wax with board purchase


Stay tuned for our next update.. 


Chris & Belle

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